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James Wrigley - Under-Hill

£5.00 / Sold Out

Release Date - 20/06/2016

The people and places of Fortunes Well and the surrounding areas of Portland's Underhill.

On an island where the traditional industries were Quarrying, Masonry and Fishing, Portland has seen its local industry slip away into history and almost disappear. Considered one of the four main priority areas in the Weymouth and Portland Council, the people of Portland's Underhill have seen drastic changes over the last fifty years that have left local shops to close and house prices to rise, with the slow destruction of Portland's unique character, excavating it's wild beauty, cut and re-cutting flower border verges, building new unfamiliar estates foreign from Portland's nature achieving a suburban sameness. A series with no hidden agendas, no exploitation, just a short cut to knowing, what it is like to be there.